Because some things just are….
The Pickup Truck

The Pickup Truck

My grandparents lived ‘up der in da Nort’ where more pickups dotted the landscape than the corn. At the ripe old age of ten, and from my four-foot-eleven perspective, the only thing more disturbing than those old, dirty, smoking, noisy pickups, was the old, dirty,...

The Woman with the Widow’s Hump

The Woman with the Widow’s Hump

I saw her from a distance and a smile quickly swept across my face. She was conversing with the produce man, and I could tell he was enjoying her. She was adorable. Barely peeking over the front of her cart, a bright yellow cardigan covered up her prominent widow’s...

I Won a Contest!

I Won a Contest!

My husband and my soon-to-be daughter-in-law gifted me a subscription to Scribbler for Christmas. I love it. They have monthly contests, and the one for February was a romantic scene. It is way out of my element to writing romance, but I decided to go for it. I took a...

Bugs, brawls, and Target balls

Bugs, brawls, and Target balls

              I don’t think I have ever seen a little boy enter Target without hopping over one of those big red balls. I’m not sure what the draw is, but those little guys just can’t resist. I grew up in a family of girls, so raising all boys was a real eye-opener....

What a Baby Costs

What a Baby Costs

One of my favorite poems by Edgar Albert Guest   What A Baby Costs   "How much do babies cost?" said he The other night upon my knee; And then I said: "They cost a lot; A lot of watching by a cot, A lot of sleepless hours and care, A lot of heartache and...