The Pickup Truck

The Pickup Truck

My grandparents lived ‘up der in da Nort’ where more pickups dotted the landscape than the corn. At the ripe old age of ten, and from my four-foot-eleven perspective, the only thing more disturbing than those old, dirty, smoking, noisy pickups, was the old, dirty,...
Ten Things I Love About Fall

Ten Things I Love About Fall

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.” Stanley Horowitz Just a touch of sadness floats through the air with the falling leaves; bittersweet sentiments of endings and new beginnings. We embrace...
Happy National Respect Your Parents Day

Happy National Respect Your Parents Day

August 1st is National Respect Your Parent’s Day! Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” I had an idyllic childhood. I was content, my home life was peaceful, and I knew my...
Sign ’em Up

Sign ’em Up

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mildred. She was born into a loving home with two doting parents and several siblings. The children were homeschooled and could spend time doing things they enjoyed. Mildred loved to paint, and because she had two...
I Have it Today

I Have it Today

I pulled the hair out of my brush and immediately got that heavy feeling in my gut. I moved in as close as I could to the mirror and poked around at different places on my scalp. The vitamins I was taking were not working. Although I didn’t have any bald spots, it was...